For Sale

Please note that these are free postings and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these ads or the integrity of the seller or buyer. If you wish to purchase directly from, visit The eShop. members are welcome to post individual instruments for sale on this page. Ads are sorted by the date of creation or last update, with the most recent listed first. Ads automatically expire after 60 days if not updated.

Please do not post "wanted" ads; instead, you should scan the ads for an instrument that meets your needs. Flute makers are welcome to add their information to the Instrument Makers directory by visiting their member preferences page. Flute makers should not post advertisements on this page for their services, but may post ads for individual flutes that are currently in their inventory and available for immediate sale and delivery. One flute per ad, please. Abuse of this system may result in loss of membership priviledges.

For condition please use this standard:

New: Not yet played regularly
Excellent: No cracks, key-pads good, playing condition
Good: Repaired crack, all key-pads good, playing condition
Fair: Cosmetic crack(s), recommend new key-pads, playing condition
Poor: Crack(s), needs repadding, not in playing condition

The website and associated woodenflute email list are available free of charge, but are not provided without cost. Donations provide some of the financial support to allow their continued availability. Thanks for your support.

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News Headlines
Videos of Grey Larsen demonstrating Folk Flutes
Grey Larsen’s 4-CD set is on holiday sale for $4.99: “300 Gems of Irish Music for All Instruments”
Minnesota Irish Music Weekend June 12, 2015- June 13, 2015
2014 Minnesota Irish Music Weekend features McEvoys, Mac Diarmada, Blake and Gallagher
Paul Mulvaney Rocks!
6th Annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend
Are these Flutes?
Patrick Olwell documentary
Invite in Sardinia

Random Web Link
Wooden Garden Furniture manufacturer.

The flute at the bottom of this page was made by Michael Grinter of Australia, and is his acanthus leaf model, serial number 4. It is based on a Rudall & Rose instrument circa 1840. It is valued at approximately $4800 US.